Like we needed research to know that Jewel Fish were homos.
What do African Elephants, emus, Plateau Striped Whiptail Lizards, Bluegull Sunfish, dragonflies and humans all have in common? Besides sharing the same planet and other some such sentiments of interconnectivity, all of these species and so many more display evidence of homosexual and/or transgender behavior. There is a list of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects and amphibians that is surprisingly long. And since it has been reported that most research on homosexuality among animals wasn’t really publicly observed until the 90s, the presence of gay animals is incredible. For anyone who may have ever felt isolated by being gay, google gay animals for twenty minutes and see how alone you feel after reading about instances of lifelong female couples of Laysan albatross.

Roy and Silo, two male Chinstrap Penguins, became internationally known when they coupled and later were given an egg that needed hatching and care, which they successfully did
You know how lesbians are sometimes stereotyped as clingy and co-dependent? It ain’t just human ladies, honey. The New York Times reported on the albatross, a bird which can live to be about 60 or 70 and mate with the same partner every year. These birds also displays high rates of homosexuality. “Like when you’re in a couple,” Marlene Zuk, a biologist who has visited the colony, explained. “All those sickening things that couples do that gross out everyone else but the two people in the couple? . . . Birds have the same thing.” I often saw pairs sitting belly to belly, arching their necks and nuzzling together their heads to form a kind of heart shape…
Lindsay C. Young, a biologist who studies the Kaena Point colony, says: “They were supposed to be icons of monogamy: one male and one female. But I wouldn’t assume that what you’re looking at is a male and a female.”
Isn’t that weird?! Listen to this. There is an all-female species of the Whiptail lizard who practice a form of reproduction where growth and development of embryos occurs without fertilization my males. However, simulating mating behavior increases fertility. And since this species is comprised totally of females, that means they’re all creating female friction with each other! The ones who have sexy time are all gay.

The next time you see someone freak out or grimace in disgust when they’re male dog starts trying to get frisky with another male dog, drop some Whiptail lizard knowledge on those squares (even though it is pretty weird when dogs start humping out of nowhere).