Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What's Weird Wednesdays January 5, 2011

Getting back into the swing of things is weird.

Greetings from 2011’s first What’s! Weird! Wednesday!

We all celebrated our respective holidays. Many of us used December 31st to make up for any of the nights we decided not to drink in 2010 and woke up hungover well past midday on January 1st.

We’ve made solid resolutions to try to be better versions of ourselves, working on things like quitting bad habits or mustering up the strength to form good ones. And now, as January continues onward, the confetti settles and we’re forced to return to that daily grind we had nearly forgotten about. We’re forced to return to doing things like waking up before noon, not watching an entire TV series marathon and, most painful of all, going back to school and work. We were just well-fed and rested. It doesn’t seem fair that responsibilities should return every year. It seems awful and weird. This period of adjustment is the Weird Wednesday of the whole year.

But you know what? In the immortal words of Rosie the Riveter, We Can Do It. We, my fearless readers, have a whole new year to take more risks, make more mistakes and kiss more girls. We all have different hats of responsibility to wear. And, ladies, you look so good in all of them. So put it on, get out there and be the best!

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